Well first off if karma doesn't bite you now it will bite you later and it might not be so enjoyable. What you and him both have done to your husband and his wife is very cruel. You say the relationship ended, so you shouldn't have anything to worry about. I don't understand why you are still calling him. Granted the two of you might be friends, however you must respect his wifes wishes and not speak with him. I mean, imagine if you were in her shoes, would you be okay with finding out your husband is cheating and then still feel like you can't even end it because they won't stop talking. Granted you don't owe her anything because she isn't your wife, but at this point you must decide how important you marriage is to you. I mean apparently not very important for you to be unfaithful, people can give whatever excuse but there is not excuse for something so hurtful. If you don't want anything to happen within your marriage I would suggest you cut all ties, friendship, everything. Now as for the *67, the only way that she could change that is if she actually sets up privacy director, which will not allow anyone to call with a blocked number and if they do, they have to identify themselves before it even rings through to them, so you are screwed if she does that. If you call with a calling card, there is absolutely no way she could find out, I know that first hand (harassment problems with an ex), I tryed everything, phone company everything, to go and find out the phone number so that they could be charged with harassment, didn't work. As for being able to track *67 calls, that is also very hard, not impossible but very hard. She would actually have to call her phone company and say that she is getting harassing calls and they are always blocked numbers, and they would then set up a trace on her phone so that everytime a blocked call comes through she just presses a series of numbers and it traces your calls, that takes about 2 weeks, but it is possible but it takes a lot of work. I wouldn't put that past a hurt women though who just went through her husband being unfaithful and knowing you still call. I also wouldn't put it past her to hire a private investigater to do the work for her, and in that case she would find out everything, stuff that doesn't even have to do with her husband. She isn't crazy and that isn't unjustified behavior. It's just a lot of times even though someone decides to remain in a relationship after infadelity they tend to forget that you forgive someone and shouldn't do that, but you screwed up her marriage as she sees it, and she feels it is justified no matter what she does to ease her mind.